General Terms of use

Purpose: Τhe publication of the website
Brand Name: KARAGOUNIS BROS S.A (distinctive title «HELLAS MEZE»)
Address: 2nd Industrial Area – Velestino, Volos, Greece
P.O.: 37500
Τel: +30 24250 22018
You may contact the Customers Service Department by sending email in the above-mentioned email address.
Before you enter this Website and use the provided services, you have to consult the General Terms and be certain that you accept and agree with them in their entity. In case you have any type of disagreement regarding the General Terms’ format and content, you must abstain from the browsing. In addition, for every other matter and especially for further clarification, complementary information, reservations and/or questions about the General Terms, you may contact the Company and specifically the Customers Service Department, by sending email in the email address
This website is provided only under your acceptance of these Terms of Use (“Terms”). If you do not accept part of the Terms of Use in total, the usage of this Webpage is not permitted. We have. We reserve the right to change or modify these Terms at our discretion, without the need for your prior consent or notice.
The browsing on the Website automatically means that you accept the updated or modified Terms. The link is the web address of the «Website /Web page» of the company with the brand name «KARAGOUNIS BROS S.A.» (hereinafter, the «Company»).
The Company can change, add, or eliminate any of the Terms on its discretion for legal, technical reasons or due to changes on the products or for any other reason. In case you need clarification or additional information regarding Changes, you can contact the Customer Service Department of the Company.
The use of the from your part takes place at your own risk, while the Company does not bear any responsibility for the correctness, thoroughness, validity, accuracy, and the utility of the Website, nor provides any kind of guarantee regarding its adequacy (technical or other) for any purpose.
1.1. The information provided by the Company on the Website are truth, valid and as updated as possible and those warranties are subject to technical or typographical errors, which cannot be predicted, or they occur as an outcome of disruption of the Website’s operation or/and due to force majeure.
1.2. All details and information provided for the Company’s products regarding their nutrition value and/or the health benefits of consumers, which are connected in any way to their consumption, is of general nature and has only informatory character. In any case, adopting information that are included in the Company’s website regarding any of the above-mentioned goals is on your own risk and the Company is not in any way responsible.
2.1 Exclusive liability of the User/Consumer
The user is obliged to refrain from any illegal act or practice and/or abusive behavior, as well as from any behavior contrary toy good morals, the General Terms and in general the instructions of the Company on the specific issue.
2.2. Forbidden Use
2.2.1 It is prohibited to reproduce, copy, distribute, use, sell, modify or in any other way utilize/exploit the content of this website, without the prior written permission of the company
Prohibited is every action or omission which may (a) infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright and intellectual property rights in general or other proprietary rights of both the Company and third parties, (b) cause the interruption, damage, destruction, or obstruction of the operation of any software and/or cause damage to Company’s reputation and/or its Partners and/or other users or consumers and/or breach any kind of personal or other data of the users/consumers of the Website.
2.2.2 Prohibited is (a) any access on the Webite in order to create or generate product competitive to the products of the Company (b) the access or the facilitation in any way and with any means of third parties, so they can access data provided to the website from the Users, (d) any kind of Software piracy, hacking and/or interception, copying, analog/digital recording and mechanical replication, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, data generation (including personal data) and information, including content and material (photographs, graphs, documents etc.) of the Website. It is also prohibited without our written consent to use (a) linking & Framing of our Website (b) any "meta-tags" or any other "hidden text", based on Company brands or trademarks.
2.3 Restriction of Guarantees – Liabilities
2.3.1 The Company is exempt from any responsibility for any damage caused by viruses or other harmful elements that may come from its servers. The company shall have no liability for any direct or indirect damage or loss of income, profits, goodwill, data or contracts or any damage arising from or in any way connected with an interruption of operations arising from or connected with your access to this Website, with the display or use of the Website or the delay or inability to access, display or use of the Website.
The company bears no responsibility for the content of any website linked to or from its website or located outside of it. Website links (links) that appear on the website are provided only for your facilitation and do not constitute approval by the company, its affiliated companies and its partners of the respective content, product, service or supplier. Any connection to and from websites outside of this company is at the sole responsibility of the user.
The company has not carried out any examination or evaluation of these websites, does not guarantee their content and is not responsible for it, nor does it assume any responsibility regarding their personal data protection policy or their terms of use, which for this reason invites the user to examine himself with due care. It is expressly stated that the Company is not responsible for the communication of Users with other service providers who advertise and/or are advertised on the Company's Website and for any reason (indicative commercial or other form of transaction, which may arise from this relationship and/or in this context).
The users agree to compensate the Company and its representative, for any kind of damage, penalty, demand, or any other expense including legal or consultants’ expenses they may arise, due to illegal or non-compatible with the General Terms of Use of the Website and the Services provided.
2.3.2 The user of this website agrees that the company will not have any responsibility under any circumstances for: a) interruption, b) delays or interruptions in access to the website, c) non-shipment or mis-shipment or contamination or destruction or otherwise modification of data, d) loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use or presence of links outside the website, e) computer viruses or other harmful components, system failure or malfunction that may result from the use of the website or the use of hyperlinks from or to third party websites f) events that exceed the obligation of reasonable control on the part of the company.
Additionally, the company, to the maximum extent permitted by law, will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, including lost profits, related to the website, regardless of whether they arise from contract, tort (including negligence), even if the company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
The Website and its web pages are designed for the residents of Greece, while the information related to products, services and their promotion is valid only for Greece, even if they are listed (and) in a language other than Greek. In any case, no guarantee is provided that the content and material, included on the Website, fulfills the terms of legitimacy and is appropriate, available or related to any other country except Greece.
3.1. The entire content of the web pages of this Website, (logos, marks, images, graphics, distinctive product features, photographs, text designs, services and products provided, are part of the Company’s property and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, European and International laws regarding trademarks, and unfair competition laws.
In any case, their appearance on the website does not constitute and may not be taken as conveyance or granting permission or right to use.
3.2. The permission of access and personal use of the Website as explained above, does not allow any kind of resale or commercial use of the Website or its content, collection and use of the Company’s catalogues, its services, its products, Company’s commercial policy, the extraction of data etc.
4.1. The management and protection of your personal data is regulated and subjected by the terms and conditions of the policies that are established by the Company for this purpose, and especially by (a) The Privacy Policy and (b) Cookies Policy, as well as the relevant articles of both the Greek and the European Law regarding the person’s protection and the process of personal data, in addition to the relevant decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority.
5.1. Resignation
Any delay in the exercise of the rights on behalf of the Company does not suggest its resignation from this right, neither it does affect its exercise.
5.2. Applicable Law – Jurisdiction
For any dispute that may arise regarding the application, interpretation, invalidity of terms, the existence or absence of rights and obligations of the parties by the General Terms of Use or by tort related to them, applicable is the Greek Law, with the exception for the rules of conflict of laws.